Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Man-cating, Missing cats and Midget Modeling"

Wow! What a weekend!

With Joe "Man-cating" on his first annual "Mancation!" He and some friends (if that's what you want to call them?) decided to spend the weekend in St. George and Las Vegas... golfing, gambling and well, something about making man piles? Who knows? All I heard was Patrick yelling... "Let's get Gay!" Sounds odd to me? Boys will be Boys!

It was a long weekend for Olivia, her cat Bella decided that he (I know, Bella! He! We thought he was a she until we took him to get fixed, needless to say he's a she now!) needed his own little mancation a few blocks away from home. Fortunately for us we were able to find him thanks to the Daybreak community message board. The kids were a little unsure if it was truly "Bella" so we had to confirm with the bologna test (it works like a charm!). He's now home and getting some well deserved R&R...

And well, with Joe being gone things can get a little boring. So what better to do than "Midget Modeling"? I know... things tend to get a little crazy when "the cat's away! (pun intended!) But I couldn't sleep so I decided to re-dress Bill (a "little" family friend). It's not as kinky as it sounds! Since Joe's clothes wouldn't fit we decided that the boys would fit perfect and they we're more than willing to share with their new brother. The resemblance was crazy, I couldn't tell who was who!

I think we officially put the F.U. in fun this weekend!

1 comment:

King Family said...

You are killing me...I am glad that you have a blog, I have one too, I found your through Dawns'. I love the baby pictures of the puppies.